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In light of Mini being a rescue dog. We have decided to make it our focus to help other bulldogs in need. Mini came to her foster family, in poor health and extremely timid. Her early years where clearly not easy and her foster family made it their focus to help her regain her confidence and health. She is a dog that wants to be loved and cared for. She is certainly getting that now! We have had overwhelming support to get Mini to the level she is now and we are extremely grateful! 
With this page we would love help other bulldogs in need just like Mini. With your help, we want to re home dogs in need, to families where they will be loved and cared for. There is no shame to anyone who has to re home their beloved pet. The dog is our main concern.


How it all started..
Facebook Posts


Our Facebook page was inspired by our rescue dog Mini. She has stolen our hearts and we have made her a full time part of our family. This is her story..

Posts by Jay Harris

April 29 
Everyone knows I'm a little mad when it comes to dogs. I have a huge soft spot for them and want to give them the very best. When this little girl came up in my news feed about needing a new home, I knew i had to do something to improve her life. Mini is a 4yo Aussie bulldog. She is quiet thin, has some sores on her ears and all of which we will get fixed. When i noticed the post on a FB page. I was concerned Mini wouldn't find the home she deserved and made it my mission to find her a home she would love. I'm calling on all my Facebook friends to please help me find her a loving home. If and when i find a suitable match for her i will ensure it is the right one and she is in good health. I will only be asking what i paid for her as I'm not looking to make money out of her. I would just like her to have a comfortable home and be well looked after. If you or someone you know would love to invite Mini into your home and know you can look after her for the long haul please send me an inbox. 
Please give me time and patience while I find her a suitable home.
I'm not being rude. I'm thinking in the best interest of Mini.

** I will be taking care of her until she is ready for her new home.
















April 29-
So after a big day for Mini. She is now home safe and sound. She is extremely timid and in rough shape. She is skinny, has sores on her ears and we are fighting with the fleas. 
She is starting to become happier. We haven't introduced the other clan just yet. But slowly we will. This dog has a heart of gold and has given me a few very sloppy kisses. She is beginning to know she is safe. 
She will be booked in to go to the vets first thing Saturday morning.


April 30-
Great news guys. Mini had a check up at the Vets. Mostly she is in good health. He predicts that she had her last litter of pups about a month ago. 
Her heart is huge (and healthy) her skin, bones and joints are all healthy. She is on antibiotics and we are to feed her small amounts 4 times per day to help her get back to a healthy weight.
She is starting to come out of her shell and is loving the attention. We have to do some investigating into the scar on her neck. 
Her sores on her ears may be from where she has tried to get out. Thanks again for everyone’s help and support!
Also a massive thanks to David from Warners Bay vet. Extremely thorough and a great vet.

















May 6-
2 random people have asked in the past week if she was a rescue dog due to her poor condition. After telling them and one seeing my original post on Facebook they have commended me for my actions. But Mini has made our lives much more enjoyable having her here..
She is getting more confidence every day and is enjoying her time with our dogs. But she was a bit unsure about the shower...


May 11 at 11:18pm-
Little Mini has put on almost 2kgs! The skin on her ears are half way to be cleared up and she is happier than ever before.... So am I having her here!


May 23 at 1:14pm-
Mini Update:
Well Mini has made a remarkable change since she came to us a few weeks ago. She has gained a bit over 2kgs which has definitely been the main concern. But along with this her ears are now completely cleared up. Her ears had sores the size of a 50 cent piece. Shows what a bit of care does. But the best part is she is coming out of her shell every day. She will be ready for her new home in no time.






















May 30 at 5:46pm-
Yea... I will admit, I cried... We both did. 
My life is so much better from this one dog! Whilst making me hate humans more, Mini has made me want to help more dogs. Dogs that can't help themselves and only want someone to love them. 
I wish i could truly express how far this dog has come in regards to being able to trust people and also with her health. It has been the most rewarding and satisfying thing I have done in my life. Everyone that has Met Mini has fallen in love with her just like we have. 
Firstly. I would like to thank everyone who has helped us with Mini, from picking her up and washing her, to feeding her, her mid day meals while Jord and I are at work and the generous donation from CrossBones Couture of her fantastic collar. (Will post photo later).
We know Mini will love her new family. 
Secondly. I want to know if it would be supported if I did this on a regular basis. I want to start something (without taking away from the good work that the other groups do) to help these dogs in need. 
I have a major soft spot for Bulldogs now but respect and want to help them all.
Thank you again to every one for their support. 
Sad day. But happy knowing we have changed this little girls life.


May 31 at 12:01pm-
Mini Update:
Sorry about the doggy spam.. Circumstances with Mini have changed in the past 24hrs. In short she is now 100% part of the Harris family. 
Our intentions with Mini where to always re home her. Firstly as we had a few dogs of our own and secondly because we felt that we would find the right forever home for her. 
Mini's intended owners where so excited and happy to have her as part of their family. They had prepared for weeks and where eagerly awaiting her arrival as soon as her health improved. We all agreed that Mini was ready for the change and that she would be ok (which she was). A turn of events with both Jordyn and I and an extremely lengthy conversation with her new Foster parents saw us have a change of heart believing that she would benefit being with our dogs. 
I would like to thank Mini's intended foster family for their patience and complete understanding that Mini came first amongst everyone’s emotions. We have made Mini the sole point of all the decision making although it has not been easy. 
Mini is a vulnerable dog who i agree needs on going reassurance and help to build her confidence. 
I can't thank Marc and Jody enough for their understanding and care towards Mini.
She is now home at the Harris house hold. Whilst it will be a challenge with the crew. I'm pretty sure it will continue to be a rewarding one.



Mini's Bulldog Rescue Club Incorporated

ABN 85 245 910 521 INC1701563

Located in Australia - registered charity, volunteer run and operating 100% not-for-profit

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